In the heart of the tumult that has swept through Ukraine due to the Russian War, a radiant tale of hope shines bright at Chabad’s Mishpacha Orphanage in Odessa. Last week, a 2-week old Jewish baby named Sarah was warmly welcomed within its walls.
The baby hails from the embattled city of Zaporizhzhia. Her mother has been injured from the ongoing attacks and cannot raise the child on her own.
Rabbi Avraham Wolff, at the helm of Mishpacha Orphanage alongside his devoted wife, Chaya, recounted the poignant tale. “We received the request from Chabad Shluchim in the city of Zaporizhia, Rabbi Nachum and Dina Ehrentreu. This is a very challenging case of a mother who has physically and emotionally suffered and asked us to care for her daughter.”
Sarah’s arrival marked the sixth chapter in the heartwarming narrative that the Mishpacha Orphanage has become. Rabbi Wolff shared, “The children and the staff warmly welcomed Sarah. Sarah is joining our extended family, and with the help of Hashem we will provide her with warmth and love just like we do for the other children.”
Igor Shadkin, head of the Federation of Jewish Communities in Southern Ukraine, said: “We have experienced many upheavals since the outbreak of the war. We wandered to Berlin, returned to Odessa and, yet, we are doing everything we can to continue welcoming Jewish children – orphans and those whose parents cannot raise them. We strive to provide them with a warm and loving home, a safe place for their bodies and souls.”
In the heart of Odessa, as the waves of uncertainty crash against the shores of existence, Mishpacha Orphanage stands tall as a beacon of love and hope, where the story of Sarah intertwines with the destinies of countless other young lives, all united by a shared journey of healing, growth, and unyielding camaraderie.